The Long Dark Auto Backup

by AmeliePick.

Project Description

This program does auto backup of The Long Dark saves. It's helpfull, if you don't want to lose your saves while playing in survival mode. Because in the survival mode the game is removing the save file if you dead.

How to use

  • If you have a licensed version from Epic Games Store of the game, then go to EGS->Library and create a shortcut of the game. Place this shortcut to the folder with the program and type "true" or "1" to the program.
  • If your game is not a licensed version from Epic Games Store, you can type "false" or "0" and specify the path to the game's .exe file.
  • In "Settings.ini" you can manage the time for auto backuping and specify a folder for backups.

For sure, to launch the game and backup start this program not the game itself.

