Custom Player

by AmeliePick.

Project Description

Custom Player (or CustomPlayer) is a mod for Grand Theft Auto V. With help of this mod you can change some things of your character: clothing and voice. Also you can save and load your customized hero. This mod has an intuitive user interface by NativeUI library.



  1. Install all libraries which are necessary.
  2. Put the mod's dll to /GTArootFolder/scripts/. If you don't have that folder, just create it.
  3. Well done!  \( ̄▽ ̄)/


F10 key to open the mod's menu.


  • If you use an add-on model and you will save game with no default model like Franklin or Michael or Trevor, your save gonna be broken and it can lead to crash or infinity loading.
  • Also when your add-on character is dying, the mod would replace current model to the model which that was during the launch of GTA V. This will save you endless loading.
  • And also, for some add-on models clothing components may be confused. For example gloves can be changed through the "Legs" menu. These are the features of the add-on models.

